Call 678-643-7056

Closed Loop Organics handles the organic waste diversion needs of
grocery chains, hospitality establishments, restaurants, universities, hospitals, corporate cafeterias, large catering organizations, and many more.  We were founded as the first and only organic waste diversion provider in the greater Southeast and are now the largest food waste recycling service in the state of Georgia.  Using our proven, innovative model, Closed Loop Organics can make your sustainability goals
both achievable and affordable.
Typically we can begin service within 7 days!

We will provide a plan of operation based on your location, size and any special requirements. You simply deposit your organic waste into our on-site containers.
When it’s time for pick-up, our system will tip the pails on-sight into one of our custom-designed, organics hauling trucks to keep things clean, efficient, and hassle-free.
Close The Loop
The same day we collect your organic waste, it is turned into animal feed, diverted to a compost facility, or converted into energy via anaerobic digestion.
After the collection
and recycling loop comes full-circle, we’ll provide you with a detailed report of your sustainability contribution.

Closed Loop Organics was founded in 2009 and as the first and only organic waste diversion provider in the greater Southeast. We’ve proven the viability and success of our process since our founding and you can trust us to continue to get the job done right.
Implementing a diversion program with Closed Loop may actually save you money relative to your current waste spend.
We have a fleet of custom-designed trucks made specifically for hauling and collecting organic waste and spent cooking oil safely, cleanly, and efficiently.
Brand Awareness
We believe that “going green” is essential to increasing your brand awareness in today’s marketplace. We’ll help you advertise and promote your sustainability to your customers and clients.
We will train your staff, provide an orientation to our program, and give you materials to ensure the transition to recycling organic waste is as
smooth as possible.
We’ll provide data reports that show you how much you’ve recycled. These reports are extremely helpful in obtaining LEED Certifications or local, state, and federal sustainability recognition.
We’re accessible 24/7 by phone or email to answer questions and offer support. No automated answering services!

Call 678-643-7056

  • Organic Waste Diversion
  • Spent Cooking Oil Recycling
  • LEED Certification Consulting
  • Sustainability Marketing Solutions
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Results Tracking and Reporting
  • Overall MSW Advisory Services
  • Hands-On Training